COVID-19: Working from home


By order of the Spanish Government, we will remain closed from the 30th of March until the 13th of April. Therefore, all deliveries as well as all production of orders will be paralysed until we reopen.

As for the rest, WE WILL REMAIN ACTIVE during this quarantine. From today, we are getting ready to come back stronger and recover the time lost.

1.We will take all queries as well as quotation requests. You can contact us through:

Whatsapp: +34 655 917 238


2.We will keep processing and managing all orders so that when we return, they can be in your hands as soon as posible.

3.We will stay active on social media and keep you up to date like always. Follow us so you don’t miss out on anything.

Remember that, “the night is darkest just before the dawn“. We resume soon our normal living.